There are various regular bus companies serving this route with departings each 1 1/2, 2 hours. Cost USD 2,50 - USD 3,50
per person, one way. You can choose from:
*San Pedrito - Ph: (02) 2570463 (1)
*Kennedy - Ph: (02) 2583328 (1)
*Aloag - Ph: (02) 2570020 (1)
*Minas - Ph: (02) 2157119
(1) This companies departs/arrives from/to TERMINAL TERRESTRE at Quito, Ph: (02) 2289047 - 2289049, providing english
speaking information service Mon to Fri 08h30-17h30.
There are aditional companies coming from the Coast and passing by Los Bancos with destination Quito. If available
seats they will pick you up without previous reservation.
There is only one company called Santo Domingo (Colored green) and departing/arriving at LAS CUATRO ESQUINAS with this
Los Bancos-San Pedro San Pedro - Los Bancos
1.- Cost USD 2 per person, each way
2.- We strognly recommend to be, at least, 1 hour before previewed bus departure because land transportation varies schedules
without any notice. Could also be possible to have to wait until 1 aditional our after scheduled deparure. Try to be as most
patient as possible.
3.- Momopeho is located just in front of San Pedro, where you have to ask for << LA FINCA DEL INGENIERO
MORENO ??? >>
4.- Because of last minute changes and-or service cancellation of the last departure we recommend to plan to take buses
departing from Los Bancos and San Pedro at 13h00 and 13h30 respectively.
5.- From LAS CUATRO ESQUINAS departs also other bus company serving another different route. Please be ready to specify
you want to reach San Pedro at VIA GUADALUPE.
6.- Above routes continues untill (or originate from) SANTO DOMINGO DE LOS COLORADOS wich is a distribuition point for
transportation buses to the Coast (beaches) including Guayaquil. For arriving-departure time you may add 2 1/2 hours
trip from San Pedro to Santo Domingo de los Colorados and viceversa.